1. Kate and Matt - 1st House

Remember I am learning this so it's going to be all over the place.
The Composite First House
The first house is the "persona" of a relationship. It indicates the kind of impression the relationship will make on its surroundings and how it will be viewed by others. It tells to what extent a couple will be regarded as a unit in their own right rather than as two seperate individuals.
A strong first house can be an indication of a relationship that is all show and no substance. Nevertheless, a strong first house is usually a sign of a significant relationship that will have a great impact on the lives of those involved. These relationships tend to be important ones.
Venus Opposition Ascendant
The opposition of composite Venus and Ascendant signifies the possibility of a partnership of real love, one of the best to have in the composite chart of a love relationship or marriage. It can pull a relationship through the worst situations that can occur.
Regardless of why you have come together, this aspect will produce a love relationship between you. The two of you feel that you complement each other in some definite but indefinable way.
Your differences do not create barriers between you but allow you to work together in life. Each one has what the other lacks and needs.
Mars Square Ascendant
The square of composite Mars and Ascendant can be very difficult. It signifies that the pursuit of egoistic goals is likely to come between the two of you.
You may argue constantly about seemingly trivial matters, which actually represent deeper psychological pressures that you are not expressing to each other. These pressures are very likely to be expressed as disagreements about your home together (if you have one) or about your overall objectives in life.
The main point is what the two of you are doing together. There may be perfectly valid reasons for this relatonship, and being together may be a very good experience for both of you. However, you must ask the question anyway, because the naturally competitive energies of Mars may make you think you are completely incompatible, even if you actually have a deep need to be together. This relationship calls for a great deal of self- awareness.
Pluto Square Ascendant
The square of composite Pluto and Ascendant indicates the danger of a serious ego conflict between the two of you at all levels of interaction. One of you will attempt to dominate the other, or perhaps both of you will try to be the dominant one.
If this contest between you continues, one of you will at length emerge as the loser, who can "win" only by breaking away. Then the fight for independence becomes another of the many struggles that mark this relationship.
Fortunately, there is another side to this aspect, which you should strive to develop. It can also indicate that you transform each other inwardly and outwardly, in a positive way. While you may naturally be concerned for each other, you must not make an ego issue of your partner's development. You must just allow the process to unfold, as it surely will.
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