Monday, November 06, 2006

The Major Aspects - Your Talents and Challenges

Sun Trine Moon 0°14 (helpful aspect - a talent)
When the Sun and the Moon form an aspect in the natal chart, we are dealing with the interplay between our wants and our needs, our conscious and our unconscious, our actions and our responses, the present and the past, the rational and the irrational, and so forth. The Sun and the Moon are like day and night, and an aspect between them reveals the type of dialogue between these two luminaries.

Many astrologers feel that the relationship between the Sun and the Moon in the natal chart reveals the types of messages we received from our parents or parent figures. When the Sun and the Moon are conjunct or in a flowing aspect, such as the Trine represented in your chart, we received generally harmonious messages from them. No matter what really went on between our parents (if indeed we experienced both), this is how we perceived them.
With easy aspects between the two luminaries, as with the trine, the emotions and the ego do not compete with one another. Rather, they complement each other, so that satisfaction is more easily found.
Emotions and the will are at peace with one another, suggesting a rather balanced personality. The "messages" received in childhood were not contradictory overall, and these people have a stronger sense of purpose and appreciation of harmony than most people. Many people with these aspects are personally popular, likely because they expect harmony in their relationships. Sun trine Moon people are generally very attracted to relationships and are attractive to the opposite sex. A certain level of self-confidence and a sense of security make these people quite easy to deal with on many levels. Their relaxed, easygoing disposition puts others at ease.

These natives may not be prepared for conflict and could be inclined to avoid rocking the boat. They may acquiesce a little too often, if only to maintain a feeling of balance and harmony, as conflict is something they not only dislike, it's something they might fear. The tendency towards too much acceptance--of the self and of others--is most prominent. These people must be encouraged to question life, or they run the risk of taking things for granted.

Vitality is usually good and quite constant. These are not hard-driving people, unless other indications in the chart point to it (yours does with your Mars in Aries and Capricorn Ascendant), but the constitution is generally strong. This is because their goals and their emotional needs are generally in harmony, despite being different.

Some Famous People with Sun in Harmonious Aspect to the Moon: Sextiles - Jennifer Aniston, Matt Dillon; Trines - Tyra Banks, Dr. Phil McGraw, Oliver Stone.

Sun Square Mars 0°31 (Matt - read this as you also have this aspect and I haven't included it in yours)
Sam also has this aspect. The Sun is our ego and our will, and Mars is a courageous, daring, confrontational planet. When they combine through aspect in the natal chart, we see how effective a person is at directing the desire nature through willpower. The nature of the aspect describes the ease with which an individual expresses and directs desires and impulses.
There is an unmistakable competitiveness and a "me-first" attitude with those who have Sun square Mars in their natal charts. The fighter persona is most apparent in youth, when the child is described as a "bundle of energy", or it is remarked that he or she "can't sit still". The abundant energy generated between the Sun and Mars is hard to direct in childhood. Later in life, ideally, those with these aspects have learned to channel some of their excess energy into productive avenues--perhaps through career, sports, or any area where competitiveness is considered an asset. Nevertheless, people with these aspects can meet up with more than their share of conflict, and they can most certainly rub people the wrong way. They are very motivated to get things done, to take action rather than simply talk about something, and to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Those who know them well might describe them as temperamental at times. They are easily frustrated, and they're given to impulsive actions and assertion of their wills.
Essentially, those with Sun square Mars in their charts have faced conflict and are not particularly afraid of it. They have faced having their need to assert themselves blocked. Their parents may have done as much as they could to "tame" what they felt to be excess energy or aggression. In other words, they know all about conflict and blockages, so that when they are faced with a challenge or a roadblock, they don't run away from it or hide under the covers feeling sorry for themselves. They meet challenges head-on.

Sun Conjunction Saturn 4°54 (Matt - read this also)
Here Sun the Ego is impacted by Saturn the serious old man of the Astrology. Your ascendant Capricorn is also ruled by Saturn so this aspects will be felt strongly.
This is a rather sober aspect. Those born under a Sun conjunct Saturn aspect, in their youth, are humbled in some way such that they do not feel free to express their will in an outgoing and direct manner. As children, their expressions of their ego were thwarted, which led to some self-consciousness regarding self-expression. They were painfully aware that what they wanted, they didn't always get. For whatever reason, people with this aspect in their natal charts feel the need to control their impulses. It is easy for them to assume responsibility for more than most.

Eventually, Sun-Saturn people carve their own identity. There is a strong need to be recognized as accomplished, but some avoidance of being in the spotlight at the same time. These people can be hard on themselves, as they aim to achieve perhaps more than most. The face of Saturn is generally serious, but Sun-Saturn people can also have a hilariously sarcastic sense of humor. They are not the types to jump up and down, dramatize, or let loose. They wouldn't be described as "bubbly" or enthusiastic. Generally, they come across as somewhat aloof, cautious, and slightly reserved. There is a distinct streak of the conservative in these people. Some are rigid and strict, expecting themselves and others to live up to their high standards. However, most people with this aspect are simply very aware that life has its limitations. They are not afraid of responsibility, and probably take on more than their fair share of it. The best thing about this aspect is that the serious and reserved expression characteristic of their youth gradually relaxes with time and with age. Sun-Saturn people loosen up with maturity.
Sun Square Pluto 1°55 (Matt - you have this one too!)
Oh Boy! This explains your challenges with Anxiety. I think this is a really important aspect for you.
People born under a challenging aspect between the Sun and Pluto are prone to inner tension and negative, self-destructive behavior. When things are going well, they suffer from fears that something will come along to change that. Their thought patterns can be negative, and if not kept in check, they can seriously undermine their happiness. Constantly worrying that the rug will be pulled from under their feet can easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sun-Pluto have tremendous power and strength--when they learn to accept and use that strength, instead of fear it, they are some of the most effective, insightful, helpful, and healing people around!

One of the most prominent characteristics of these aspects is the tendency to be intensely dissatisfied with their personal accomplishments and expressions of self. These people put a lot of pressure on themselves regarding their own endeavors. A child, for example, with a challenging Sun-Pluto aspect may work hard at a piece of artwork, decide it's not right, destroy it, and start all over again. This same child will be especially disturbed if they feel people are watching as they create their artwork. This is a simple example, but it's quite descriptive of the tendency for these people to be dissatisfied with their creative self-expressions, and to want to hide their expressions from others until they feel the output is "right". This is largely due to a perceived inability to express or reveal their true personalities to others. They experience a simultaneous urge to express themselves and to hide themselves. They struggle with a deep need to control themselves and life itself. Rarely are Sun-Pluto people completely satisfied with themselves. They are especially sensitive to criticism, and feel the need to "redo" themselves often. There is a marked fear of losing control. As such, these people can are often intensely fearful of, or threatened by, change that is not initated by themselves. This can express itself through attempts to control their lives such that they can manage their fears of being taken off guard. Of course, this generally backfires!

Another characteristic of these aspects is an intense need for privacy. They fear being exposed or invaded. Again, this is an expression of their dissatisfaction with the self they are projecting, and they are generally uncomfortable with their evolving ego. They seem to undergo many identity crises, and they feel the need to control what others know about them and think about them. Their fear of exposing themselves might cause them problems with others, who may begin to mistrust them, presuming that if they are so protective of their privacy, they must have something sinister to hide. The truth is, they struggle with a dissatisfaction with themselves and their fear of being exposed is really about a fear of being vulnerable, as well as a manifestation of their own identity crisis.

These people are quick to read between the lines. They need to be careful, however, to avoid reading negative or dark things into situations or people. They need to know that if their tendency is to hunt for dark "truths" rather than unbiased truths, this is a self-destructive behavior that stems from fear.
Many people with these aspects are overly attached to things, habits, people, and their past. At the root of this is an intense fear of being vulnerable or abandoned. Still, Pluto's goal is to transform through change. Inevitably, Sun-Pluto people will have to face their fears and accept that they need to change in order to grow.

We all have a dark, irrational side, but people with Sun-Pluto in hard aspect are forced to confront it and integrate it into their personalities. It can be a challenging process, especially because the Sun rules all that is "light" - the rational, conscious mind. The Sun is noble and righteous by nature. Aligned with Pluto, it can have a hard time accepting the darker, intense, and often irrational Pluto energies into one cohesive whole.
This is the challenge that Sun-Pluto face. If these people find themselves lying, using manipulative tactics to get their way, or attempting to control others through subversive tactics, it is a clear cue that they are mishandling Pluto energies. It is a powerful indication that their self-image is low. There is little satisfaction derived from getting our way through manipulation. It only serves to make us feel less effective in the long run and on a personal level. If I were to win a favor by using subversive tactics, what will it prove to me? It will reinforce my feeling that I am not effective just by being myself. And, effectiveness is something Sun-Pluto craves.

There is more of a tendency to attract dangerous or upsetting situations in the life. Either way, these people need to get in touch with the reason why they are attracting these people and situations. In all likelihood, they are not handling their own fears effectively, and they feel they are not in control of their lives, and a looping pattern is thereby created. They eventually come to realize that they are very strong people with enormous resilience. They need to identify with, face, and accept their "dark" side.
Self-acceptance is the key to handling this aspect.

Sun Opposition Ascendant 7°23
A planet in conjunction to the Ascendant always takes on powerful proportions in the native's life and personality.
There is a big tendency for you to "find themselves" through other people. With this aspect you are in partnership with a close personal friend and/or a close romantic partner most of your life with few gaps between. You truly come alive when one-on-one. You are them good at negotiations, therapy, and other situations where being able to slip into another's shoes is advantageous. Decision-making is enjoyed best when shared with another person.
You are the sort of person who calls a close friend or partnership when a serious decision needs to be made - not that you take need advise, but it in a back and forward exchange you will often find the solution within. This comes back to seeing yourself through others' perspectives.
You are not the sort of person to go to the movies or restaurants alone. You simply feel more powerful and happy with someone tagging along. You don't truly give their power away to others. However, you don't readily "own" your power without feedback from others, where the term "others" doesn't refer to people in general, but to an individual. You just need another "someone" in your life, be it a lover, a "best" friend, you are the type of person who naturally "couples".
Sun Square Midheaven (Matty - this one is for you too)
Moon Trine Saturn 5°07 (a talent, or what comes naturally to you)
You do what seems right to you regardless of what others think. But what others think gets factored into your overall reality assessment which in turn determines what you do. You are accomplished, dutiful and disciplined in your daily habits. This leads to self-sacrifice without any great fanfare. You are talented but self-satisfied and content which keeps you aiming at the center of the road. This conservatism protects you from extremes of action so you may not accomplish much but you are always sufficiently productive to get rewarded for your efforts.

You have an inner poise and balance that enables you to act in a cool, efficient manner during emotional traumas and stress. You keep perspective and objectivity about highly charged emotional issues - sometimes to the chagrin of others who might wish that you would react more intensely. You are quietly supportive and faithful to your friends and loved ones.

Moon Square Neptune 5°25 (A Challenge)

The artists challenge.

Your sense of wonder and your openness to the unseen, subtle, spiritual dimensions of life are two of your gifts. You have big dreams and high hopes, especially for your creative endeavours, and sometimes it is all too easy to become disenchanted. And then, it is easy for you to be inspired once again.

The resulting emotional rollercoaster is ever present in your emotional and creative life as you hunger for emotional inspiration and nourishment, and sometimes it can feel like a bottomless pit. Just when you think - "this is perfect" the hunger begins again and off you go on other creative tangent. You can feel that your hopes are too lofty and unrealistic, so the undefined prize they are searching for is forever elusive.

At times, you feel very much at mercy of your emotions, and yet you truly have a hard time understanding, defining or conceptualising yourself in an emotional context. Your emotional world is a bit of a mystery to you. There is much yearning of the soul and the emptiness you tend to feel is so overwhelmingly at times is hard to define. You will, in all likelihood, take this search and these feeling to your Spiritual journey as you conclude that you are searching for unconditional love (both to give it and to receive it) and a feeling of deep connection with the Creator (it is a creative force your dealing with here). Here, the "wonder-child" aspect of yourself can be invaluable, connecting you with the world of spirit and your true home.

Yet, your own faith and trust in others is subject to huge swings. You want more than anything to trust your loved ones, yet when you do, a part of you is suspicious of your own trusting heart, and you may worry that you trust too much. Again, this is due in part to your emotional world being a bit of a mystery to you and you're difficulty with placing emotional boundaries in the appropriate places. On the one hand, you know that have a great capacity for nurturing, empathy, mercy, and compassion, yet you also know that there is a downside here and you are not sure where the point is reached when you need to beware of sacrificing yourself to take care of other people or to try to rescue or "save" them.

Excessive dependency, passivity, and wishing to be taken care of are all themes around which some of your greatest challenges revolve. Either you yourself tend to succumb to such impulses (feeling yourself to be weak, needy, a victim) or you may attract other people into your life who play that role. Often, these issues stem from a childhood in which the nurturing was inconsistent. Along with this is a strong current of emotional idealism and devotion to your Mother. ( although, due to your Sun trine Moon aspect you would not have been consciously aware of any lack of nuturing - nevertheless it is an issue. My horoscope also indicates lack of warmth in childhood, inconsistent or absent nuturing)

In relationships, quite ironically, but very understandably, you and your emotional soul can be hard to reach. You can have a hard time committing to a person or a path, and you are skilled a sidesteping difficult issues. It takes you a great amount of emotional energy and resolve to commit and then you tend to second guess yourself "Am I doing to right thing?" "Does this feel right?". Another thing you may have picked up in childhood is the avoidance of "not so nice" or emotional difficult topics - "let's not talk about it".

You have tendency to glamorize your past or dream about an ideal future, and this makes it hard to simply enjoy the present.

Procrastination on an emotional and creative level is a huge tendency. You have a compassionate soul but you may nevertheless be reluctant to get involved, perhaps because you sense that you could easily become lost in any given cause, and those emotional and creative projects will never see the light of day. You are also a psychic sponge and will absorb the emotions of other people and places. On the positive side there will be people and places that immediately give you a sense of comfort and safety, on the other hand this also means that there are certain places or people you tend to avoid or ignore, although you can't pinpoint exactly why, you just know it's not a good place for you to be. Just trust this in yourself, it is your sensitive psychic self.

In some cases, people with this aspect in their natal charts project Neptune onto their environment, and thus attract Neptunian people (crazymakers) and circumstances into their lives. Some, for example, attract partners who are elusive, addicted, irresponsible, or unwilling to commit. Unusual emotional entanglements and fancies are common with this position. For some "scandals" occur in their life. Throughout your life you maintain a certain childlike belief in magic and in wishing, and you tend to escape into the inner world of your imagination (or anesthetize yourself with movies, or soap operas, or food) when the outside world seems either too dull or harsh for you. You also need to be extremely cautious with intoxicants, mood-altering substances or practices as these can create much confusion and distort your perceptions to the point where you lose touch with your genuine mystical and intuitive abilities.

This is the placements of an artist who may never create one piece of art. This would be a deep shame, as creative outlet for your powerful imagination is almost essential to your sense of emotional balance, it provides a forum for the emotional drama you tend to feel throbbing inside and that you ultimately crave.

You are also extremely sensitive to music and can use it as a tool to bring yourself into emotional balance and harmony.

Moon Quincunx Pluto 1°41

A minor aspect - interesting but not a big influence or tendency. Sometimes, you confuse intensity with desire, and need with love. As a consequence of this, your relationships with others (especially romantic partners) can be powerful and "spicy" without engendering much closeness, particularly when you are young. It takes time for you to recognize this and how it gets in the way of intimacy; it takes time to alter it once recognized. But by letting go of negative history lays the groundwork for change. Give others permission to be different than everyone else has been before. Through this, you give yourself permission to be different.

Moon Sextile Ascendant 7°09

A big positive personality trait that comes naturally to you. Some of this will make the influence of the Moon-Juptier aspect less felt as the traits you possess here go a lot of the way to helping you with those challenges.

You have the capability of becoming a well-rounded person by trusting and integrating your feelings or intuition about things with the way they are. You can and should accept things as you percieve them and if you're not comfortable with something, look into it further or avoid it altogether. You learn to trust yourself and your feelings as your personal barometer of what's good for you.

You are also good in relationship, since you are intuitively aware of the way others are feeling or reacting in possess the ability to stay strongly in your centre, in touch with your own feelings about what's going on.

You grow into feeling good about yourself and your needs. This translates into self confidence. Your awareness of your own needs makes it easier to create a sense of safety and security in the world, and your guidance and support of others can help them accomplish similar goals. You may also find it easier to embrace your womanliness - the power of being a woman looks great on you!

Mercury Conjunction Venus 5°53 (Matt - you too!)

Mercury Trine Mars 5°27 (Matt too)

Mercury Square Uranus 5°53 (Matt too)

Mercury Sextile Midheaven

As you go through life you will be in touch with your own and other people's inner feelings and psychological currents. Your rational mind is more influenced than most by feelings and intuitions, which will deepen your understanding of the world. It will take time before your ability to express yourself catches up with what you already know intuitively.
You will use your mind to help you understand human nature. You are a natural psychologist, and you will be able to communicate your ideas to others through speaking or writing.
You will spend much time planning and arranging your future in your head. Instead of falling into a career by accident, you will work out everything you must do to get where you want to go.

Venus Square Uranus 0°00 (Matt too)

Venus sextile Midheaven

This aspect indicates that you are an agreeable and sociable person, who doesn't like conflict with others. You are more willing than most to make compromises, because keeping peace and harmony with those you love is more important to you than getting your own way.
You like to have the approval of persons in authority over you, and you will work to get it. You will feel secure in yourself and will be able to love and be loved wherever you go. Also you will attract people who can help you as you go through life.
Your home life is also very secure. You should grow up in a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by beauty and comfort.

Mars Square Saturn 5°24 (Matt too)

Mars Trine Neptune 5°08 (Matt too)

Mars Opposition Pluto 1°24 (Matt too)

Mars Square Ascendant

This aspect may cause some problems because you feel that you can fulfill your own needs only at the expense of getting along with others. This leads either to frequent disputes and disagreements with people or to feeling frustrated and futile if you try to hold in your anger and resentment in everyday contacts.
You do have a lot of energy, and there is a side of you that enjoys competing, but you should do it in a friendly way rather than with a hostile attitude that you must beat your opponent at all costs. Learning how to get along without feeling held back is the major challenge of this aspect.
Learn to be careful and to stop doing anything that is remotely dangerous unless you feel that you are in complete control of yourself.

Mars square the Ascendant indicates that you show no moderation in asserting yourself. When you feel the urge to take action about something important, you usually do so. When you act this way, people may find you offensive. Anyone who provokes you invites your immediate reaction, usually an impulsive one.
You seem to enjoy watching people become upset by your display of bad manners.
Although you want your talents to be recognized, your inability to submit to authority creates problems and restricts the progress of your career.
You admire people who can translate their capabilities into financial gain. But if you are willing to endure the self-denial and sacrifice required, you can accomplish the same thing.

Mars Oppostion Midheaven (Matt too)

Jupiter Sextile Neptune 5°59 (Matt too)

Saturn Trine Uranus 5°56

You are able to be yourself and do what you want in a very careful and controlled manner, so that others do not have to keep watch over you. At the same time you are capable of fulfilling your duties and obligations without feeling that you are giving up your rights. You learn everything so thoroughly that you are able to show others how something is done step by step. As you get older, you will be a careful and rigorous thinker, who can effectively combine innovative ideas with structure and discipline.With your organizational ability, you can deal with groups that want changes as well as those that do not.
Even while you are young, you are very persistent and tough-minded and able to endure considerable strain. But be careful not to take on more than you can handle.

The trine between Saturn and Uranus shows that you have learned from your experiences and acquired discipline. As you project yourself toward future accomplishments, you are excited by the prospects of all the tomorrows. You have earned the freedom you enjoy. Although you have a healthy respect for material things, you are fascinated by your increasing detachment from them.
You have the talent to use and exploit your resources. You are well qualified for executive positions because of your keen judgment and uncanny insight. Your understanding of people and their motivations enables you to organize their talents to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks.
You are particularly good at handling young people because they identify with you and the authority you represent to them.
You can successfully apply your potentials in many occupations. Suitable fields include mathematics, science, research, and astrology, as well as many industrial positions requiring leadership and organization.
Your ideals are based on solid experience with the tried and true.

Neptune Sextile Pluto 3°44 (Matt too)

Pluto Square Ascendant 5°28

With this aspect you may get involved in problems with others because one or the other tries to take control. At times you feel that others are continually trying to take unfair advantage of you. Or you may try to take advantage of them.
Also you must be very open and honest with people, because it is very easy to create the wrong impressions in your relationships. This is because you are naturally a very intense person and may seem to be brooding or secretive even when there is nothing weighty on your mind.
If you have trouble getting along with others, even when it seems to be totally their fault, think about your own attitudes and actions.
It would be good to avoid getting involved with people who seem strange, difficult and emotionally intense about everything.

Pluto square the Ascendant shows that you feel you are destined to have a powerful influence on the lives of the people you contact. Very convinced of your righteousness, you feel that you alone can properly control their affairs.
A major issue in your life will be learning to accept traditional chains of command, especially in organizations. You may make a self-confident display of showmanship by assuming command that does not belong to you. This quality can be irritating to those who have to deal with you. You often show bad judgment in making decisions. Try to become more sensitive to the needs and reactions of those you deal with.
Once you learn how to exercise good judgment, you can truly achieve greatness with your skillful ability to organize others to achieve your objectives


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